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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.


News Detail


Jun, 2023

Becoming an AYSO Coach

Do you have little or no experience with soccer? No problem! AYSO will teach you based on the age level you are coaching. Unique age-appropriate coach training is one of AYSO's specialties. If you plan to be at your child's soccer practices and games, you'll also have time to be your child's coach.

In order to coach your team in Regional Playoffs, Area Playoffs, Section Playoffs, and Tournaments you must have the following. These certifications need to be done before the season starts..
1. Safe Haven Certification
2. CDC Concussion Training
3. Sudden Cardiac Arrest
4. Safesport
5. Livescan
6. Age appropriate coach training in the age division you are coaching.
Please note for Intermediate Coach Certification (14U) you must have 12U certification and coached one season either the fall season or the spring season in 12U in order to take the Intermediate course.

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Contact Us

AYSO Region 813 - Indio, CA

South Jackson Soccer Park, 83318 Date Ave
Indio, California 92201

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 760-701-2850
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